The Cameron Collapse
By Roger Cohen, New York Times
….. Murdoch is a flawed genius whose very ruthlessness has now led him to his comeuppance. He knew, more viscerally than anyone, what postmodern societies wanted to satisfy their twisted appetites and he provided that material in all its gaudiness. I don’t think he created those appetites. But he sure fed them. Something deeply insidious and corrupt is at work that has been on view in both Britain and the United States. It involves the takeover of politics by money and spin and massaged images and privileged coteries. It is the death of statesmanship. Murdoch’s Fox News has played a big role. But all the major technological and other forces in Western societies are pushing toward polarization. Google is profiling you through your searches and directs you to the material most likely to reinforce your worldview and ideology. Increasingly, we live in our political comfort zone. Debate and dialogue die…..
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