Arkiv-Global View
Lasciarsi è sexy
da Cosmopolitan Italia
Vi siete mollati? Secondo gli esperti, non c’è niente di meglio della fine di un amore per ispirare un nuovo look irresistibile. Rinnovarti è un elisir per la tua autostima, conferma il life coach. La prova? I nuovi look di 4 star che dopo una rottura sono rinate... Ancora più sexy!
US faces "credible but unconfirmed" terrorist threats
WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - U.S. officials said Thursday evening they have "specific, credible but unconfirmed" information about a potential threat against the United States coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Reuters news agency reports that President Barack Obama on Wednesday ordered a redoubling of counter-terrorism efforts in the face of such threats.
EU Observer in line with
Finally the truth about Albania is being spoken loud. Today, the Brussels’ online newspaper EU Observer, published an opinion by Dimitar Bechev* entitled “The protracted death of democratic Albania”, which portrays the real image of the country. The author makes a clear description of the current situation in Albania and identifies the underlying factors that contributed to the creation of such situation.
Wollfarth and his trashy report
NANO NEWS check the version in albanian here
Frattini in una Mission Impossible a Tirana
Alfred Kola
TIRANA - Il capo della diplomazia italiana Franco Frattini e quello di Atene Stavros Lambrinidis si recheranno lunedi prossimo in visita ufficiale a Tirana in un tentativo di far reconciliare i due lati della politica Albanese e di convincerli a lavorare insieme per le reforme dell’adesione del paese all’Unione Europea. Essi saranno accompagnati durante la visita dall’ambasciatore di UE Ettore Sequi.
Gunman kills four at Nevada pancake restaurant
A man armed with an AK-47 assault rifle killed four people in a shooting rampage, including three National Guardsmen, and wounded seven others during the breakfast rush at an IHOP in the Nevada state capital Carson City. Then the gunman, Eduardo Sencion, 32, of Carson City turned the gun on himself. The investigators are trying to determine the motives and whether the man targeted a group of National Guard personnel in the restaurant, police said.
Super-cop beats up two women in their office – Super-poliziotto picchia due impiegate all'ufficio
It has begun. The physical violence as lowest form of emotional and sociopathic personality disorder and scummy morals is stretching to the highest ranks of local and central government in Albania. Today the Chief of Tirana Municipal Police, Florenc Hoxha, stormed the office of the tax authority and assaulted two women employees, Anila Çobani and Etleva Duro, dragging and punching them in the stomach, causing severe bruises in the body and humiliation in their personality. The motive: they had to pay for being Socialist Party supporters. It couldn’t happen otherwise.
'Pavarotti's heir' Licitra dies after crash - Muore l’erede di Pavarotti
Italian tenor Salvatore Licitra has died from head and chest injuries suffered in a road accident. He was 43. Licitra, known in his Italian homeland as the “new Pavarotti” for his potent voice and considerable stamina, died Monday after spending nine days in a coma following a motorscooter accident in the province of Ragusa.
A national pact for integration is implausible.
by Alfred Kola Click here for the version in Albanian
39 vjet nga Masakra e Mynihut
5 Shtator 1972. Mynihu, kryeqyteti i Landit të Bavarisë në Gjermani dhe organizatori i Lojrave Olimpike Verore atë vit, zgjohet me një lajm tronditës. Ekipi Olimpik i Izraelit ishte marrë peng gjatë orëve të para të mëngjesit nga një organizatë terroriste palestineze të quajtur Shtatori i Zi. Duke përfituar nga mungesa e rojeve të sigurisë terroristët kishin kapërcyer gardhin dhe kishin mundur të hynin, rreth orës 4.30 të mëngjesit, në seksionin e Fshatit Turistik ku ishte strehuar ekipi izraelit.