Arkiv-Global View

The Guardian: Gabriel García Márquez, Nobel laureate writer, dies aged 87

Postuar në 18 Prill, 2014 03:50

The Colombian Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez, who unleashed the worldwide boom in Spanish language literature and magical realism with his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, died at the age of 87. He had been admitted to hospital in Mexico City on 3 April with pneumonia.

The Telegraph: France is the new cauldron of Eurosceptic revolution

Postuar në 16 Prill, 2014 05:25

Britain is marginal to the great debate on Europe. France is the linchpin, fast becoming a cauldron of Eurosceptic/Poujadist views on the Right, anti-EMU reflationary Keynesian views on the Left, mixed with soul-searching over the wisdom of monetary union across the French establishment.

The Telegraph: France is the new cauldron of Eurosceptic revolution

Postuar në 16 Prill, 2014 05:25

Britain is marginal to the great debate on Europe. France is the linchpin, fast becoming a cauldron of Eurosceptic/Poujadist views on the Right, anti-EMU reflationary Keynesian views on the Left, mixed with soul-searching over the wisdom of monetary union across the French establishment.

Open Democracy: Religion as a human rights liability

Postuar në 16 Prill, 2014 05:22

It is no secret that many human rights have an inherently religious dimension, as Larry Cox recently argued on openGlobalRights. But do religion and human rights really need each other, as he suggests?

The Independent: Florida's not-so-coy pastor is just the latest in a plague of fallen preachers

Postuar në 13 Prill, 2014 03:37

Ushers walk the aisles with boxes of tissues just in case, but the message to the nearly 4,000 worshippers who have crammed into Fort Lauderdale's Calvary Chapel is to keep upbeat, at all costs. "I just want to tell you," an assistant pastor declares as the service reaches a climax, "this is not the end."

Sergio Romano: l’ex Senatore e l’ex Cavaliere

Postuar në 13 Prill, 2014 03:32

Sul piano giudiziario il caso di Marcello Dell’Utri sembra avviato alla sua conclusione. Un uomo, condannato a sette anni da un tribunale del suo Paese per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, va all’estero «per ragioni di salute», senza chiedere il permesso ai magistrati, grazie a complicità che sembrano avvalorare la condanna. La polizia riesce ad arrestarlo nel giro di un paio di giorni. L’uomo sarà probabilmente costretto a rientrare in patria. Ma non è un cittadino qualsiasi.

Google, once disdainful of lobbying, now a master of Washington influence

Postuar në 13 Prill, 2014 03:27

In May 2012, the law school at George Mason University hosted a forum billed as a “vibrant discussion” about Internet search competition. Many of the major players in the field were there — regulators from the Federal Trade Commission, federal and state prosecutors, top congressional staffers.

The Telegraph: The British Muslim is truly one among us – and proud to be so

Postuar në 04 Prill, 2014 02:05

Those who believe in a clash of civilisations, in which British values are pitted against those of the Muslim world, have not been short of examples in the past few days. The BBC reports on an “Islamic takeover plot” by hardliners to seize control of several Birmingham state schools. Two Morrisons workers are suing the supermarket for not being able to take holiday during Ramadan, after being told that they submitted their applications too late.

EUObserver: EU lifts visa restrictions on Moldova

Postuar në 04 Prill, 2014 02:02

The EU on Thursday (3 April) formally agreed to lift visa restrictions on Moldova, allowing its citizens to travel throughout the Schengen passport-free area.

 “This is a great achievement and the beginning of a new chapter in our relations,” said EU home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom in a statement.

The visa will be lifted at the end of the month.

Moldovans will be able to travel freely throughout the Schengen area for short trips so long as they have a biometric passport.

The Guardian: David Letterman announces retirement from The Late Show

Postuar në 04 Prill, 2014 01:54

CBS employee David Letterman, the current grandfather of American late night television, is retiring from The Late Show in 2015.

Letterman made the announcement during a taping of his show at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City on Thursday.

“What this means now, is that Paul and I can be married,” Letterman joked, referring to his longtime bandleader and sidekick Paul Shaffer.


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