Arkiv-Global View
10 Skandalet Seksuale Më Të Famshme Në Histori
Seksi është përdorur gjatë gjithë historisë për synime politike dhe madje ka arritur të përmbysë edhe dinasti dhe të ndryshojë rrjedhën e historisë. Nga ana tjetër thuajse të gjithë sunduesit apo njerëzit e pushtetit kanë abuzuar me të për përfitime seksuale, shpesh duke dalë jashtë çdo kuadrit normal njerzor.
“Nga gjithë kënaqësitë e botës, njeriu kërkon më shumë kontaktin seksual. Ai do të bënte gjithçka për të – të rrezikojë pasurinë, karakterin, reputacionin, madje edhe vetë jetën.” - Mark Twain
Berisha: Every Albanian must work hard to create more revenues for my family!
Noted for his blunders and slips of the tongue, Albanian prime minister Sali Berisha stated yesterday the truest fact of Albanian reality. Fiks Fare, the most watched TV show in Albania, on the occasion of October 10, the World Day of Mental Health, showed prime minister holding a speech before the residents of a village during a visit there. While encouraging the residents to work hard, Berisha said that “every Albanian has to work hard to create more income for my family”.
Berisha: Tutti gli albanesi devono lavorare sodo per creare più reddito per la mia famiglia
Noto già per le gaffe ed i lapsus, il premier albanese Sali Berisha ha affermato ieri la propria verità della realtà albanese. Fiks Fare, il programma televisivo più famoso in Albania, del format di “Striscia la notizia”, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale, ha mostrato imagini del primo ministro mentre teneva un discorso davanti ai residenti di un villaggio durante una visita là. Incoraggiando i residenti per lavorare di più Berisha disse che "ogni albanese deve lavorare sodo per creare più reddito per la mia famiglia".
Free Trade Negotiations: Croatia’s proposal severely harms Albanian exports to EU
TIRANA (Top Channel)- Croatia has made a proposal to the EU commission to raise the added value for the Albanian exports from 45%, that is currently, to 75% in order for them to obtain the certificate of origin. If approved by EU commission this added value will severely harm the Albanian exports.
24 Copt protesters die in violent clashes with Egypt military police
by Alfred Kola
CAIRO - Worst violence since February uprising broke out Sunday in Egyptian capital Cairo, when Christians protesting about an attack on a church set cars on fire, burned army vehicles and hurled rocks at military police.
The violence that left 24 people dead, mostly Coptic Christians, prompted the government to impose a curfew in the city overnight.
Sunday Movies: Dolphin Tale and Moneyball top Box Office
IMF urges Albanian government to change financial policies
by Alfred Kola
IMF urged the Albanian government Friday to change its financial policies in order to maintain the country’s stability and economic growth.
Top Channel said Friday that IMF drafted a report monitoring all the European countries where it singled out Croatia and Albania as the only two European developing economies to have deteriorated their finances following the 2008 global crisis, whereas other governments have taken drastic steps to strengthen them.
Albanian former communist leader dies at 86
by Alfred Kola
Ramiz Alia, last communist leader and the first president of post-communist Albania died today of lung disease. He was 86.
Muore l’ex leader comunista albanese
di Alfred Kola
U.S. Ambassador: Albania at crossroads
by Alfred Kola
"Withers’ letter speaks for itself" – said the U.S. ambassador in Tirana, Alexander Arvizu, when asked to comment on the letter his predecessor, John Withers, sent to the Albanian public through Top Channel, the largest television network in Albania. He said that U.S. policy is not to comment on WikiLeaks publications, but implied that they were authentic.