Here’s why migrants want to come to Britain

It was 1932, and, bizarrely, given his race and Lithuanian origins, Israel Sieff – already by that stage married into the Marks & Spencer business dynasty – had invited Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists, to be a speaker at one of his Cleeve Lodge dinners.
A new political party such as his, Mosley opined, needed a “hate plank” and “the best hate plank around is the Jews”.
“Of course,” he quickly added, looking at his host, “I don’t mean you.” Summoning the butler, Mr Sieff, later to become Lord Sieff, briskly announced, “Sir Oswald Mosley is leaving” – and with that, he was shown the door.
I recite this story not just as a reminder that many of Britain’s most successful businesses were founded by migrants, but also to point out that morally and practically, it is impossible to choose between the desirable immigrant and the undesirable one – or, in Mosley’s case, the useful Jew and the hated Jew.
There have been two stories this week that speak directly to the modern-day equivalent of these observations. The first is a truly revelatory piece of analysis by DueDil and the Centre for Entrepreneurs think tank, which found that one in seven new companies in Britain is set up by migrants. Shamefully, the migrant labour force creates roughly twice as many entrepreneurs as does the British-born population. Those who complain that migrants are stealing their jobs may very well end up working for them. Believe it or not, there are 8,639 German entrepreneurs in Birmingham – but of course we don’t mean hard-working Germans when we talk about unwanted migrants.
Such gems are rarely aired in Britain’s ever more distasteful “open and honest” debate about immigration. But in fact DueDil’s findings are intuitively exactly what you would expect. It is no accident that the most dynamic economy in history, the United States, is entirely immigrant-based. A large part of America’s economic success comes from the new ideas, new ways of doing things, energy and determination to succeed that the newly arrived bring with them.
The other story is the reportedly repressed No 10 study that found migrants displace far fewer British jobs than originally thought, and over time, possibly none at all.
In all this, however, there is an uncomfortable truth. Such arguments tend to be made in and by a kind of intellectual bubble of the twitterati that is frankly deemed almost completely irrelevant by the bulk of the population. Of the two Government speeches given on Thursday on migration – the one extolling its economic benefits by Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, the other by James Brokenshire, the new immigration minister, complaining that any such benefits go mainly to big business and the metropolitan elite – there is no doubt which politically hit the spot most effectively.
When people complain about free movement of labour, it’s not the big picture economics of migration they tend to focus on; it’s about feeling like a foreigner in their own country, pressure on public services, and so on. Nor do you need a doctorate in economics to realise that an inexhaustible supply of cheap migrant labour is bound to depress wages and productivity in the industries it invades, at least in the short term.
People object to mass migration rather in the same way as in business, market incumbents try to obstruct and frustrate new entrants. Extra competition in business is an unambiguous positive for the economy as a whole, but it can be very painful and disruptive for those it overwhelms. Protective instincts automatically kick in, regardless of how many worthy economists insist it’s good for you.
Whatever your views on these matters, there is at least one thing on which we can all agree; on almost every level the Government’s immigration policies have been an unmitigated failure. They have damaged our image abroad, possibly irreparably; harmed our industries; and undermined one of Britain’s leading exports: tertiary education. But most spectacularly, they have failed on their own terms. The Government has proved miserably incapable of reducing net migration to the “tens of thousands”.
The key question to ask about immigration is why it is that so many people want to come here. To better themselves, to speak English, to escape persecution, unemployment and privation – well, obviously.
But it is also more subtle than that. It’s because Britain is still a largely free and mainly civilised society that protects minorities and abides by the rule of law. Migrant entrepreneurs are attracted to Britain because on the whole it’s easier to start and profit from a business here than most places elsewhere. Lloyd Blankfein, chairman of Goldman Sachs, once told me that there is a very simple reason he locates his European operations in the UK. It’s not just language and cultural affinity; it’s also that in the UK it’s even possible to sue the government and still hope to get a fair hearing. The latest iniquities of Vladimir Putin’s Russia remind us that there are all too few places in the world you can say that about.
The only realistic long-term cure for mass migration in today’s globalised economy is that these attributes get rolled out into the rest of the world, so that people can succeed and prosper in their own countries.
It’s a very long game, but in the meantime we should celebrate our migrants as an affirmation of all that’s decent about Britain, rather than seek to denigrate them.
Jeremy Warner, the Telegraph
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