Arkiv-Global View
The Hillary we see
Hillary Clinton is our national Rorschach test. What you see says more about you than it does about her. Whether the inkblot depicts a menacing monster or fluffy cloud depends on your preexisting perspective.
Inequality, Dignity and Freedom
Now that the Congressional Budget Office has explicitly denied saying that Obamacare destroys jobs, some (though by no means all) Republicans have stopped lying about that issue and turned to a different argument. O.K., they concede, any reduction in working hours because of health reform will be a voluntary choice by the workers themselves — but it’s still a bad thing because, as Representative Paul Ryan puts it, they’ll lose “the dignity of work.”
Ecco quanto ci costano le Nazioni Unite
Quanto ci costano l'Onu e le missioni in suo nome? L'Italia è il settimo Paese contributore del carrozzone internazionale e nel mondo partecipiamo a 7 missioni con 1378 caschi blu, che ci sono costate oltre 2 miliardi di euro solo negli ultimi sette anni.
The recipe for a great marriage has changed: Couples must help one another 'discover inner potential'
A marriage is supposed to be made in heaven but if it is to work in the 21st Century it has to allow both partners to discover their inner potential rather than being merely an institution for living together and raising children, a study has found.
The best marriages are probably better today than at any time in history because spouses are looking for something other than simply sharing the same home, a goal which would have been perfectly acceptable a century or more ago, psychologists said.
Giochi pericolosi
Nell’Europa «normale» si diventa capi del governo dopo aver vinto le elezioni, in Italia no. Da noi basta vincere (sia pure alla grande) le primarie del Pd. Infatti, salvo colpi di scena dell’ultima ora sempre possibili, Matteo Renzi sarà chiamato tra pochissimo alla carica di presidente del Consiglio: non solo senza aver mai partecipato a una competizione politica nazionale, e tanto meno aver in essa vinto alla testa di un partito, ma senza neppure sedere in una delle due Camere elettive, dal momento che, come si sa, egli non è né deputato né senatore.
Is the China-Japan relationship ‘at its worst’?
At the Munich Security Conference last month, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying said the China-Japan relationship is “at its worst.” But that’s not the most colorful statement explaining, and contributing to, China-Japan tensions of late.
Taking a long view on Syria and the Sunni-Shiite divide
The 50th annual Munich Security Conference this month was a celebration of the power of the democratic vision in Europe — one that now stretches all the way toward Ukraine. But there was a sense of defeat in the room, almost of collective shame, when the subject turned to Syria.
The science of love at first sight
BIOLOGISTS believe that love is fundamentally a biological rather than a cultural construct. That is because the capacity for love is found in all human cultures and similar behaviour is found in some other animals, such as prairie voles. In humans the purpose of all the cravings, craziness and desire is to focus attention on the raising of offspring.
News you can lose
JEFF ZUCKER, boss of CNN Worldwide, a cable-news firm, likes to start his morning with a shot of numbers. Every weekday at 9am he confers with his teams in New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, and other bureaus to discuss ratings and web traffic, and to decide what news to cover. On February 4th a story reconstructing the final day of Philip Seymour Hoffman, an actor who died of a heroin overdose (see obituary), boosted CNN’s website.
No One Cares About Your Damn Religion
Have you ever noticed how God always agrees with you? Not as often with your neighbor, your congressman, your family or even the pope. But he (or she, or it,) definitely agrees with you. Other people just aren't enlightened enough to realize that. Yet.
Funny how that works.