Arkiv-Global View

Ukraine leader warns of separatism threat amid fears over Crimea

Postuar në 26 Shkurt, 2014 02:56

Ukraine's interim president warned on Tuesday that the country faced a serious threat from separatism amid fears that the Kremlin – deeply unhappy about the revolution in Kiev – may be stoking pro-Russian sentiment in the Crimean peninsula.

"We discussed the question of not allowing any signs of separatism and threats to Ukraine's territorial integrity and punishing people guilty of this," Olexander Turchynov said after meeting key officials.

Catalan referendum plan 'illegal', says Spain's PM

Postuar në 26 Shkurt, 2014 02:51

Spain's Prime Minister maintained that a referendum on independence for Catalonia would be "illegal" on Tuesday (25 February) as he delivered his annual state of the nation speech.

Mariano Rajoy vowed to block the vote, which the Catalan authorities intend to hold on 9 November.

"This referendum can't take place, it is not legal," he said, adding that "it is the entire Spanish people who have the capacity to decide what Spain is."

Olympiakos 2 Manchester United 0: match report

Postuar në 26 Shkurt, 2014 02:48

This was an aimless, passionless, hapless display from Manchester United.

This was a performance riddled with errors from the players and the manager, David Moyes. United were too cautious in design, too clueless in possession and too generous with space, presenting Olympiakos with time and room to score. Beware Greeks burying gifts.

Lineage lottery: the myth of social mobility

Postuar në 26 Shkurt, 2014 02:44

Miffed that you didn't get into Oxford Uni? Cross because you can't afford that three-bed in the town centre? Not got one non-executive directorship to your single-barrelled name? There is only one person to blame: your great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather.

Internet ha cambiato la democrazia La vecchia politica fa male a resistere

Postuar në 25 Shkurt, 2014 05:14

Adoro il puzzo stantio delle vecchie librerie, e scartabellare tra i volumi, anche in una bancarella, mi riempie di gioia. Tuttavia, compro il novanta per cento dei libri in rete su Amazon. YouTube e simili hanno smantellato l’industria discografica e oramai le canzoni si ascoltano e si acquistano con il computer. Lo stesso sta succedendo negli Stati Uniti, e c’è da giurarlo tra poco anche da noi, con Netflix e il cinema.

The ‘laboratory’ called Hungary: a challenge for understanding protest movements

Postuar në 25 Shkurt, 2014 02:54

One of the enigmas of present state of Hungarian democracy is the very limited public protest against different government decisions which, according to the report authored by the Green Party MEP Rui Tavares on behalf of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, are reconfiguring the institutions and infrastructure of democracy built after 1989.

Poll: Socialists to top EU elections, boost for far-right

Postuar në 25 Shkurt, 2014 02:50

Europe's socialists are set to top the polls in May's European elections, according to the first pan-EU election forecast.

The projections, released by Pollwatch Europe on Tuesday (19 February), give the parliament's centre-left group 221 out of 751 seats on 29 percent of the vote, up from the 194 seats it currently holds.

For their part, the centre-right EPP would drop to 202 seats from the 274 it currently holds on 27 percent of the vote across the bloc. If correct, it would be the first victory for the Socialists since 1994.

From Arizona to Uganda, We Must Protect the Rights of the LGBT Community

Postuar në 25 Shkurt, 2014 02:47

It's sometimes hard to believe that the year is 2014. For all of our advances, tech developments, innovations, achievements and progress, we are watching elected officials enact laws and propose others that are simply unbelievable. Last week, the Arizona State House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow business owners asserting religious beliefs to deny service to gays and lesbians.

Russia cries ‘mutiny’ over change in Ukraine

Postuar në 25 Shkurt, 2014 02:44

Russian leaders expressed their distrust and dislike of Ukraine’s new government on Monday, saying it came to power through “armed mutiny,” just hours after the authorities here announced a nationwide manhunt for ousted president Viktor Yanukovych on charges of “mass murder of peaceful civilians.”

Russia questioned the legitimacy of Ukraine’s interim leadership, charging that it used a peace deal brokered by Europe to make a power grab and to suppress dissent in Russian-speaking regions through “terrorist methods.”

Liga: Real Madrid solo in testa, crolla l'Atletico Madrid

Postuar në 24 Shkurt, 2014 03:01

Dopo il Barcellona cade anche l'Atletico Madrid e il Real Madrid può festeggiare la vetta in solitaria della Liga. Gli uomini di Simeone, avversari del Milan in Champions League, non replicano ai rivali cittadini guidati da Ancelotti finendo ko 3-0 contro l'Osasuna nel posticipo della 25/a giornata del massimo campionato spagnolo: a segno per la formazione di casa Alvaro Cejudo, Armenteros, Roberto Torres


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