Major television under attack by City Hall

Postuar në 21 Shtator, 2011 05:56

The building of a gate has been source of conflict in the past, but this time the Municipal Police sided with the people who were attempting to usurp a plot of land that belongs to another subject, which has a legal contract with the Ministry of Economy and a fence permit issued by the City Hall Maintenance Commission to back its claim.

The opposite occurs with the other party that has started to work on somebody else’s land, but has no permit or documents to erect a building there. But the Municipal Police, which is supposed to stop the construction of buildings without permit were there this time to back the construction of such a building and prevented the private guards to exercise their right for the protection of property. They didn’t even show authorization or order by the city hall that would justify their intervention.

Even though the tenants of this property have all the documents by the city hall and the commission for the territorial maintenance that prove their claims, they didn’t have the support of the state police, which arrived there but did nothing.

Only two hours after the conflict started the state police intervened and requested that both parties go to the precinct.

The ditto plot of land was given to Top Channel by the Ministry of Economy upon a legal contract and the television has invested on it about $300,000 only in rent.

But, because of the disputes between the government and a group of people that claimed the property, Top Channel has never had the chance to use the property for its activity despite the investments.

Top Channel feels that it is being violated in its own rights by the Municipal Police and calls on the latter to act in accordance with its functions and respect the rule of law by protecting the Albanian taxpayers.

The primary task of the Municipal Police is to protect the legal and tax-paying businesses and not violate them by siding with law breakers.

Therefore, Top Channel by all rights demands from the mayor Lulzim Basha to take steps in settling this conflict and publicly express his position on this incident.   

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